Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My oh my.....

Has it been a long time since my last post.  Where do I even begin.... My camera broke, so I was able to treat myself to a new camera.  Still trying to figure it out.  I have been stitching and am working hard on wrapping up a model.  Some other designing stuff I have been working on which I am keeping quiet for now.
Thanksgiving was spent in Wilmington, NC with my husbands family.  We stayed on the beach at his aunt and uncle's condo - enjoy being at the beach without a crowd.  Time at the beach which gave me ample camera practice time with two of my favorite models.  The third one stayed home.
Took a side trip to visit my dad in Murrell's Inlet, SC.  Which included a stop before the state line.  Where I did buy a PowerBall ticket "You gotta play to Win."  Since everyone knows you don't win in your home state.  Still didn't win.  Told my husband they were waiting for me to get back home so I can play again in Virginia.  Still won't win.  Stopped again at the state line to add to our Fireworks collection.  New Year's is just around the corner...or so my guys told me.
My husband taking a picture with the outside display of the Fireworks store.  My boy's wouldn't join him.....OR did they?
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all the trimmings but most important of all surrounded by the people you love!

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