Friday, March 14, 2014

This is getting really embarassing.....

I have come to realization I am not the best blog poster in the world - now is when you are suppose to act surprised.

So much has happened since I returned from market.  I had found out in January my position at work was being eliminated - not really sure how to take that still but any how.  My last day was February 28th - or was supposed to be.  I already had a trip planned to Williamsburg when I found out and just hadn't asked for the day off.   So my last official day ended up being a vacation day.

Off to Williamsburg I went to enjoy the stitching retreat Jeannine Koontz hosts two times a year.  We stayed at Ft. Magruder Inn.  I really don't believe I accomplished much stitching, but it was so good to get away.  I spent some time at High Cotton - first time I had a chance to visit the store and when I walked in I felt like I could just move in.  I love hand embroidered linens, silver and antiques what more do you need except the tea cups or in my case coffee cups filled to the brim.  I found some wonderful items to add to my collection.

On Saturday we found out a Quilt Show was going on just down the street at the Hampton Roads Colisieum.  I could have spent the rest of the weekend walking thru the vendors.  I haven't tried my hand at quilting - my mother is the quilter and she hand quilts - no machine quilting for her.  However, I love, love, love fabric I will buy it just because I love it.  In many cases I have no intent for the fabric I just loved it.  We did enjoy walking thru the quilts on exhibit.  Here are a few photos of the exquisite work we enjoyed.

This piece was made up of what appeared to be a variety of scrap fabrics
brought together to make a Singer Sewing Machine
Wonderful use for all of the handmade doilies we come
across and are never really sure what to do with them
but as a needle worker we can all appreciate the wonderful
handwork involved.  I thought this was a creative
idea to ensure these pieces have new life breathed into them
Baltimore Album style quilt
However, what I was most intrigued with were these glasses I sat down and tried on the demo pair and all I can say is love, love, love them - until the young lady told me the frames were made from titanium.  Believe it or not people I am allergic to titanium the one time I had my eyeglasses made from titanium where the frame touched broke my skin out.  However, I have been communicating with them and they will let me know what the alternative may be.  If you get a chance to demo the glasses - please do!   You will fall in love with them.

Saturday evening we made our way to the bar to have dinner and as I was sitting there people in costumes kept walking by - their attire was amazing.  At first I thought maybe someone was getting married and they wanted everyone to dress in Colonial Williamsburg attire.  One of the ladies in our group asked where they were going and why they were dressed up.  They were invited to George Washington's Ball and we were told we could stop by for the festivities.

Needless to say we were not dressed appropriately, but their dancing and costumes were beautiful.  Apparently there are groups located throughout who re-enact the time period thru dance and costume.  One of the ladies we spoke with let us know she had costumes for not only the Colonial period but for the Revolutionary War and Civil War time frames.  We thought it was a great way to learn more about the various time periods - but what really attracted us were the beautiful gowns.
The WIlliamsburg Heritage Dancers
George Washington Ball
Here is a photo of Jeannine along with some of the ladies
who stopped by our stitching room later in the evening.


  1. It was nice to see you at Jeannine's retreat, LaDonna. I enjoyed seeing your quilt show photos.

    Robin in Virginia

  2. I've often thought what fun it would be to be a "re-enactor"! My husband always says I was born in the wrong century...perhaps this would be the answer!!

    LOVE Williamsburg! Love that doily idea! And the quilt with the sewing machine is amazing!

    Thanks for sharing! ~*
