Saturday, July 6, 2013

A few changes....

Over the last few weeks since I wasn't really able to stitch so I focused on other areas to keep myself busy.  One of which included revamping my blog and making the change from Blogger to WordPress.  I really like the cleaner look and feel plus the ability to add additional pages to spread information to other locations instead of all on the first page.

Another area that I was able to focus on was organizing my stitching room.  This included making sure all like items are together so when I actually go to look for something I don't have multiple places to search.  Hopefully this will allow me to have more stitching time versus hunting for that pair of scissors, chart, fabric get the idea.

Finally, I was able to chart a few more designs since I could use the mouse with my opposite hand so I will have a few designs ready to go.  Now if only I could find some more time to add to my day.....


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